- (an) after dinner speech
- послеобеденное выступление
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
after-dinner speech — /aftə dɪnə ˈspitʃ/ (say ahftuh dinuh speech) noun a speech of an entertaining, motivating, or ceremonial nature, given when the main part of a formal dinner is over. Also, after dinner talk. –after dinner speaker, noun …
after-dinner speech — noun A public address event that is traditionally spoken after a dinner, and meant to take an important topic and make greater sense of it through the use of humor that is relevant to the idea presented … Wiktionary
after-dinner — /af teuhr din euhr, ahf /, adj. immediately following dinner: an after dinner speech. [1570 80] * * * … Universalium
after-dinner — /af teuhr din euhr, ahf /, adj. immediately following dinner: an after dinner speech. [1570 80] … Useful english dictionary
after-dinner — adj. After dinner is used with these nouns: ↑conversation, ↑drink, ↑speaker, ↑speech, ↑walk … Collocations dictionary
after- — [a:ftə US æftər] prefix coming or happening afterwards ▪ an after dinner speech ▪ after school activities … Dictionary of contemporary English
speech — Synonyms and related words: ESP, address, after dinner speech, alliteration, allocution, allusion, anacoluthon, anadiplosis, analogy, anaphora, anastrophe, answer, answering, antiphrasis, antithesis, antonomasia, apophasis, aporia, aposiopesis,… … Moby Thesaurus
speech — noun 1) he doesn t have the power of speech Syn: speaking, talking, verbal expression, verbal communication 2) her speech was slurred Syn: diction, elocution, articulation, enunciation, pronunciation; utterance, wor … Thesaurus of popular words
speech — noun 1) the power of speech Syn: speaking, talking, verbal expression, verbal communication 2) her speech was slurred Syn: diction, elocution, articulation, enunciation, pronunciation, delivery … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
after- — [[t]ɑ͟ːftə(r) , æ̱ftə(r) [/t]] COMB in ADJ: ADJ n After is added to nouns to form adjectives which indicate that something takes place or exists after an event or process. ...an after dinner speech. ...a delicious after show supper at a… … English dictionary
speech — n 1. talking, speaking; communication, conversation, discussion, dialogue, colloquy, parley. 2. utterance, remark, comment; declaration, statement, avowal, assertion, asseveration, averment; observation, aside, mention, mutter. 3. talk, oration,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder